Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Virtual Rally for IVF funding

Virtual Rally for IVF Funding

I've taken this from another bloggers site...so if you are in Ontario...please read below for Dec. 2nd at noon!

"Conceivable Dreams is planning a very special delivery for the Ontario Government on December 2nd, 2009 at Noon.

Please join us for a Virtual Rally for IVF Funding. Imagine thousands of Ontario infertility patients, and their friends, families and supporters simultaneously sending an email message of support for IVF Funding to their provincial members of parliament and Premier Dalton McGuinty.

The Ontario Expert Panel on Infertility and Adoption heard your voices and saw the faces of infertility at our Pram Push. In August 2009, they recommended that OHIP fund 3 cycles of IVF.

Despite 2 years of researching the issues and 3 months to review the Report, the Ontario Government has taken NO ACTION.

Now, we need the Ontario Government to hear from YOU (and your families, friends and supporters) so that they will TAKE ACTION and implement the recommendations instead of letting them collect dust on a shelf.

Here's how it will work. Just go to http://www.conceivabledreams.org at any time before December 2, 2009. Provide us with your name and email address. Conceivable Dreams will send you a draft email including the address for your MPP, Premier Dalton McGuinty and Minister Broten. When the virtual rally starts at noon on December 2, 2009, we will all send our emails at the same time. If you can't send the email at noon, anytime before or after that will be fine! It's our chance to show our elected officials that the time has come to fund IVF in Ontario.

If you want to participate in the Virtual Rally for IVF Funding on December 2nd, 2009 then proceed to http://www.conceivabledreams.org to get all the information you will need."

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